RE: Are you debating the elimination of printed docs? (An idea.. .)
Might this technology, if it gets wide-spread enough, be the nail in the
coffin of the paper vs. online debate? Can it provide the best of both
worlds? Some might scoff at the possibility of "an eBook on every coffee
table," but they said the same thing about the television, automobile and
ever needing more than 64K. Just a thought. DB.
I don't think paper books will be obsolete until I can put post-its on
e-book pages I want to refer back to later, or until I can jot notes
in the margins.
Martha Jane {Kolman | Davidson}
Dances With Words
mailto:editrix -at- slip -dot- net
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me,
If I am only for myself, what am I,
If not now, when?"
--Hillel, Mishna, "Sayings of the Fathers," 1:13
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