RE: Writing Skills - Importance Of?

Subject: RE: Writing Skills - Importance Of?
From: "Carnall, Jane" <Jane -dot- Carnall -at- compaq -dot- com>
To: "'TECHWR-L'" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:12:26 -0000

Chuck Martin said:

....I have seen well-managed projects that turned out crappy docs because
the writing was so horrible, from dense, user-unfriendly reference-oriented
information to bad grammar that obscured the meaning and the message.

Tony Markatos replys:

Wow! I have never seen such happen - fifteen years experience. Nor have I
heard of such - and I know a lot of tech communicators. Its a mystery!

Jane Carnall applauds:

Tony, this is so subtle! You convey your opinion of current standards of
writing among technical writers by including five deliberate errors in two
lines of text. (Almost *too* subtle... for a minute I didn't get it.)

Jane Carnall
Technical Writer, Compaq, France
Unless stated otherwise, these opinions are mine, and mine alone.

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