Re: Frame/RTF/Word
While reviewing postings re Word > Frame > Word processes i came upon..
an interesting point that I need clarification on. A good number of
posting refered to a 3rd party program mif2go as being an ideal way
to make Frame files available for editing in by Word users. As I
understand it, you create an .rtf file from your Frame document that
can be viewed and edited in Word and then convert the revised .rtf
file back to a Frame file using this program. Have I got it right,
so far?
If this process is true, why do you need mif2go when in Frame 5.5 and up
you can save your Frame files as an .rtf file? Is this program only
used for Frame versions prior to 5.5? Or, is there a problem with the
rtf files generated in this manner?
FrameMaker's RTF/Word export filters are, in my opinion, non-functional.
They only work with files that are relatively small and simple. With
larger files, especially containing graphics, the filters are known
to work "forever" (sometimes over 10 and even 20 hours!); the output
you'll get when/if conversion is complete is not terrific either.
This applies to all FrameMaker 5 releases, including 5.5.x.
The MIF2RTF/MIF2GO filter from Omni Systems,,
includes both RTF and HTML conversion modules) is reliable and fast
when you need to convert FrameMaker files to RTF.
I am skeptical, though, as to the efficiency of FrameMaker<->Word
repetitive "round-tripping" due to the different ways these two programs
implement various features; unless you have very simple files, you'll
need to spend time "massaging" your files after each conversion.
MIF2GO does not have an evaluation version, but you can send them
a zipped MIF file for a test conversion of a typical project.
Shlomo Perets
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