RE: Education for tech writers

Subject: RE: Education for tech writers
From: Kari G Andres <kandres -at- UDel -dot- Edu>
To: shelly -dot- l -dot- hazard -at- exgate -dot- tek -dot- com
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 10:43:25 -0500 (EST)

i agree with shelley as well, i have a background in engr-- bs in
geophysics, ms in material science, and a cert in tech writing. my engr
background has made it so helpful to speak with engr. they usually start
off in such simple terms-- i.e., there are 52 cards in a deck.... and i
have to stop them and say "wait a minute, i do know what you're talking
about." i get a lot of good feedback. and i have to say that after this
education, the most important thing i got from the certificate was
audience analysis. the rest i could have learned as i went. that is not
to say i don't regret the certificate, but many short courses and my life
experiences and interests have gone a long way to being able to write
about a variety of topics. my $.02 again....

Kari Gulbrandsen
Marine Outreach Specialist
College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware

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