Re: Worthless Tech Comm Degrees

Subject: Re: Worthless Tech Comm Degrees
From: Peter <pnewman1 -at- home -dot- com>
To: John Posada <jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 07:11:34 -0500

John Posada wrote:
> I agree all, some, and none with various parts of
> Andrew's post, but that's not my purpose of this
> email, since what I may agree with or not agree with
> is based on my experience and we all have different
> experience. However, there is one part that reminded
> me on one of my pet peeves.
> > ....and never a moment devoted to learning
> > how to digest information.
> How do people learn this way? What happens if they
> need to copy the material at home and their notes are
> at work? Doesn't anyone just learn things anymore?

Remember: education is a miraculous process by which words move from the
notebook of the instructor to the notebook of the student, without
passing through the heads of either.
(Apologies to GB Shaw)


Arguing with an engineer is like mud wrestling with a pig.
You soon realize they both enjoy it.

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