RE: System Requirements

Subject: RE: System Requirements
From: "Brierley, Sean" <Sean -at- Quodata -dot- Com>
To: "'Elizabeth Ross'" <beth -at- vcubed -dot- com>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 12:19:07 -0400


I have had good luck writing on the test system. I save often and keep
backups to boot. Yup, crashes happen. Oh well. Log it and move on <vbg>. It
is interesting that you had beta software crash hard near *your* deadline.
Seems maybe the beta program ought to be extended and your deadline move
accordingly ;?P

People do accept buggy software, I know I do. I have never worked for a
software company that thought it was releasing bug-free software <g>.
Running the beta software on a writer's system seems like a pretty good QA
test, doesn't it <g>.

Best regards,

sean -at- quodata -dot- com

P.S. Isn't weeping in your job description????

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elizabeth Ross [SMTP:beth -at- vcubed -dot- com]
> I have two systems on my desk: one for testing and one for writing the
> manual. I tried to do both on one system, but some beta software crashed
> it
> one day quite near my deadline.
> Never, ever, ever write your documentation on your test system. Bad things
> will happen eventually and you will weep.


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