Sink or swim (was illusion of contro)

Subject: Sink or swim (was illusion of contro)
From: "Daniel Hall" <misterhall -at- prodigy -dot- net>
To: "Techwr-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 07:20:33 -0700

Andrew wrote:

At some point, you have to give up the illusion of safety and "properness"
suckle the mighty risk-teet. Life is not a well-ordered process.

Throw them in and let the weak sink. It is only through failure that one can
appreciate and vision success.


Lordy, I hope nobody ever asks you to give swimming lessons to children! <g>

danhall -at- consultant -dot- com

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