Excel to Quark?

Subject: Excel to Quark?
From: "Hart, Geoff" <Geoff-H -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA>
To: "Techwr-L (E-mail)" <TECHWR-L -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:45:09 -0400

Missed the start of this thread, so I'm jumping in late:

To get an Excel table into Quark (or any other software), export the
relevant rows and columns as tab-delimited text. From there, you can import
the text into any software that can import text files, including most
table-editing software. Even if you don't have a table editor (e.g., you
don't like the one that accompanies PageMaker), it's easy to produce simple,
effective tables. Simply create paragraph-level styles called "Table X
headings" and "Table X rows" (where X = the name or number of the table),
and set the tabs appropriately for the styles. Apply the appropriate style
to all rows in your table, throw in a few manually drawn horizontal lines,
and you've got something that communicates every bit as effectively as what
you'll get from a full-fledged table editor. It won't look nearly so fancy
without a lot more work, but I've done this for years and it works like a
charm. Of course, I like my tables simple, and YMMV.

--Geoff Hart, FERIC, Pointe-Claire, Quebec
geoff-h -at- mtl -dot- feric -dot- ca

"Technical writing... requires understanding the audience, understanding
what activities the user wants to accomplish, and translating the often
idiosyncratic and unplanned design into something that appears to make
sense."--Donald Norman, The Invisible Computer

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