RE: do I break into tech writing?

Subject: RE: do I break into tech writing?
From: Janet Valade <janetv -at- systech -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 12:52:46 -0700

> > I suspect that anyone over 40 knows enough about life in the
> > workplace to
> > not communicate in this style, unless they are trying to make a
> > joke.
> > Lighten up, people!
> Susan...the world is full of All kinds of people. Tell me again how
> ALL of were supposed to understand the intented meaning rather than
> what was in front of us?
Well, here is what was in front of us:

When I started out on this degree, I figured I would do programming, and
maybe I can get a job doing such, but the more I read about the career
prospects in that area, especially since I am now over 40, and with the
massive influx of foreign programmers....

But one thing I have that they can never match is verbal ability...with the
*English* language, anyway!

I am having trouble seeing anyplace where he says he is superior to
foreign programmers. In fact, it seems to me that he is saying that he
doesn't think he can compete in programming, just starting out at over 40,
and with a lot of foreign programmers coming into the country who are
undoubtedly better than he is. However, he thinks he CAN compete in TW
because he has verbal ability in English, being a native speaker and having
an English degree, along with his CS degree.

I am having trouble seeing all the arrogance and looking down on
foreigners in this post that other people seem to see. Where does he say
that this influx of foreign programmers is a bad thing? Where does he say
that he is better than they are?


Janet Valade
Technical Writer
Systech Corporation, San Diego, CA
mailto:janetv -at- systech -dot- com

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