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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Technology Reviews, Technical Communication
* NEW TECHWR-L COLUMN: "Hindsights & Insights" by Herman Holtz
* ANNOUNCE: Technical Writing 101 from Scriptorium Press
* TRAINING: Building HTML-Based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver
* TRAINING: XML Training! New online courses in Tech writing!
* JOB: Technical Writer Needed in Markham, ON
* FOR SALE: Technical Writer T-Shirts and More!
* ANNOUNCE: SnagIt and Camtasia let you capture and edit anything!
* TOOLS: ForeHelp Premier 2001, including .mif Support
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
Department of _Technical Communication_
Are you working with new or unique technologies
that solve problems or that improve productivity
for your technical writing team? Or are you applying
old technologies to new applications in your technical
writing team? If so, we invite you to submit a
brief manuscript about such technologies to be
included in the the "Technology Reviews" column
for the May 2001 issue of _Technical Communication_.
Your 750-1200 word submission should accomplish
the following:
* Describe the technology (include specific details)
* Describe the general industry of the company, the
makeup of the technical writing team, and the
information products that your technical writing
team develops
* Describe what problems the technical writing team
incurred prior to implementing the technology
* Describe how the technology solves those problems
or how it improves processes or information products
* (If applicable) Include URLs or screen captures that
let readers see results of the technologies in use
* (If applicable) Include URLs or resources for
more information
Please send queries describing your idea to Deborah Ray
(debray -at- raycomm -dot- com) by November 17, 2000. Final submissions
will be due no later than December 20, 2000.
NEW TECHWR-L COLUMN: "Hindsights & Insights" by Herman Holtz
With great enthusiasm, we welcome Herman Holtz as a regular
contributor to the TECHWR-L site. In his "Hindsights & Insights"
column, Herman offers practical tips, strategies, and techniques
that draw on his more than 40 years' experience in the technical
writing industry. "Hindsights & Insights" will cover a range of
topics, including writing proposals, developing strategies,
negotiating contracts, and consulting, among other topics of
interest to the technical writing community.
Herman was a member of the original Society of Technical Writers
and Publishers when he was a technical writer in Philadelphia,
working on the many Cold War projects of those years. Since those
days he has been a corporate executive, independent contractor
(especially to government agencies), and freelance writer-consultant.
He has filled up the years by writing a great many books, as well
as proposals, articles, newspaper stories, and other products of
the pen and keyboard.
Look for the first article, "The Functional Flowchart: A Tool
for Understanding Client Needs, Plotting a Winning Strategy,
and Developing a Proposal," on Wednesday, November 1, 2000:
ANNOUNCE: Technical Writing 101 from Scriptorium Press
Scriptorium Publishing announces the release of the first book under our
new imprint, Scriptorium Press. Technical Writing 101: A Real-World Guide
to Planning and Writing Technical Documentation is an invaluable reference
for technical writers and anyone considering a career change to tech
writing. The book explains the entire documentation process--from the
planning stages to writing, editing, indexing, and production.
Order your copy today through our web site at
http://www.scriptorium.com/books/techwrite101.html, and receive free
Priority Mail shipping in the U.S. You can also order the book through
amazon.com at
For more information about Scriptorium Press, please see our web site at
http://www.scriptorium.com/books/, or email us at books -at- scriptorium -dot- com -dot-
TRAINING: Building HTML-Based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver
Weisner Associates Inc. presents a hands-on seminar for documentation
managers, technical writers or software developers who want to leverage
the power of an industry-standard Web publishing tool to create online
assistance for Web, Java, or cross-platform applications.
Macromedia Dreamweaver has quickly become the industry standard for
developing robust, easy-to-maintain Web sites. Dreamweaver?s
extensibility, ability to generate HTML that works consistently on a wide
variety of browsers, and a strong focus on dynamic HTML can be harnessed
by technical writers and software developers to design and deploy
After completing this course, you will be able to:
* Use Dreamweaver to create context-sensitive or stand-alone HTML-based
Help systems for Web, Java, or cross-platform applications.
* Use Dreamweaver features to efficiently manage large projects, and to
enhance the design and effectiveness of your Help systems.
You will receive a course workbook, sample exercises on CD, and a set of
customized Dreamweaver templates, library items, and style sheets that you
can use in your own projects.
Location: Orlando, FL
Date: December 7-8, 2000 (immediately following Influent?s InfoProducer
Cost: $895 ($100 discount for STC members)
For more information call 800-646-9989 or visit
TRAINING: XML Training! New online courses in Tech writing!
With 6 to 12 week online courses (4-6 hours/week) on topics in
Professional Technical Writing and XML Authoring, you can get "hands on",
instructor-led learning at your convenience!
Visit www.online-learning.com to get more information on our highly
regarded internet courses. New sessions start monthly? STC members
receive a 20% discount on course fees by mentioning their membership on
course registration.
Questions? Contact info -at- online-learning -dot- com -dot- Come see the future of
JOB: Technical Writer Needed in Markham, ON
GN Nettest produces network testing software and hardware.
We are offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced
writer. Salary, benefits and corporate culture perks at
GN Nettest are impressive. At GN Nettest, we treat employees with
the professional respect they have earned in their field.
The successful candidate will be responsible for writing
(print, online and help) documentation for multiple product
lines. Writers work within R&D release schedules and meet
release milestones.
Professional skills should include time management, user task
analysis and clear, concise prose. Software skills should
include Word, FrameMaker, Acrobat and RoboHelp. The successful
candidate will understand PDF interactivity, help mapping and
document planning.
Please contact Barb Einarsen (barb -dot- einarsen -at- gnnettest -dot- com)
Voice: 905 948 7527. Fax: 905 475 6524.
Take a look online at http://www.gnnettest.com
Turn your home (or your parents' or grandparents' home) into a work of
art! Send a photo to me, and I'll create a pen & ink rendering suitable
for framing. It comes to you matted and shrinkwrapped. Image size is
approximately 9 x 14 on acid-free paper that measures approx. 20 x 25.
Offering a special 10% discount to this list. Reg. price: $250 + $15 S&H.
Samples available at:
http://www.abacus-es.com/foreman. Place orders through email (letting me
know you are from this list) -- foremangraphics -at- juno -dot- com --and I'll give
you the address where to send the photo and the fax for your credit card
#. Photos may be emailed as an attachment. Please no Polaroid. We request
50% down and the balance when artwork is sent. Framing and scanning at
extra cost.
FOR SALE: Technical Writer T-Shirts and More!
For yourself, for your coworkers, for Christmas,
or just for fun...RexTechs has t-shirts and other
merchandise just for technical writers! Visit us
at http://www.cafepress.com/techwriters/.
ANNOUNCE: SnagIt and Camtasia let you capture and edit anything!
TechSmith's SnagIt and Camtasia software give you the power to
capture and edit anything you see on your PC screen, plus your
narration, and present it to anyone, anywhere, live! You won't
find better tools for creating effective training, tutorials,
demos and more in industry standard AVI and streaming media
Visit our web site to learn more and download FREE trial versions
of SnagIt and Camtasia. http://www.techsmith.com/twr
TOOLS: ForeHelp Premier 2001, including .mif Support
Try ForeHelp Premier 2001's Help-authoring tool set, including ForeHelp 5
and ForeHTML Pro 5. It's easy to learn, easy to use, doesn't depend
on MS Word(tm), offers FrameMaker(tm) .mif import capabilities and
reduces development time and hassles with its WYSIWYG, single-source
authoring environment.
If you're unsure, try ForeHelp's quick-start program to complete your
next online project, and you'll be hooked. Just download a ForeHelp
demo from http://www.forehelp.com; use the demo software to create
up to 20 topics per project; order a copy of ForeHelp, which comes
with free support; complete your project quickly and easily.
Existing project files (.mif, .rtf and other Help files) can be
opened in ForeHelp with ease, reliability and confidence.
Plus, ForeHelp provides the best value per dollar spent, comes with
a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee and has
received user and industry recognition for ease of use, elegance and
So, no matter how complex your Help projects are, ForeHelp can
If you've got .mif, we've got the Help-authoring tool for you.
Don't fall behind when it comes to learning and developing
professional-looking, best-of-breed Help. Contact
mailto:sales -at- ff -dot- com for pricing and special upgrade
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 4900 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, is now available and can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 4900+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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