Re: help spec'ing quality (validation/testing) of documentation
I work in an environment where I am the "Information Architect" for about
15 system administrators, who have, until recently, written their own
documentation (usage notes in HTML) and posted it to their intranet.
The problem with this is that there was no quality control for testing the
procedures that the sys admins wrote, and no one to follow up on missing
Now I need to recommend a way for a group of people to keep their own
process with quality checks in place, or figure out how to shunt their
info through me (the editor/re-writer) where I would hold it until some
check had been made. <snip>
How about creating an HTML form on the intranet for the sysadmins to use when writing their notes? The form could have radio buttons for the various levels of credibility, and you could add other qualifiers to please the VP. You could also add an automatic notification feature to let you know as soon as something has been added or changed.
Elna Tymes
Los Trancos Systems
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help spec'ing quality (validation/testing) of documentation: From: julie brodeur
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