Seeking feedback on Picayune Footer nit

Subject: Seeking feedback on Picayune Footer nit
From: "Wilcox, Rose (ZB5646)" <Rose -dot- Wilcox -at- pinnaclewest -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:26:38 -0700

Hey, I am forced to use Word for about everything here. Luckily, most of
the documents are small. They are often documents that are outside of my
management, creation, edit, or update. I often have to create "templates"
(not necessarily used to refer to a set of style tags, although I do that
too) that are documents "filled in" by various employees (mostly techies and
manager types.)
Since no clear documentation management exists in the company, my clients
here are insisting on leaving the entire pathname of the document in the
footer (as an automatically updated field). I hate it, because of its
variable length. It makes it near impossible to design a clean look to my
documents. Of course, they being clients I have agreed. One client I have
semi-convinced to just put the path name in the front matter.
I might mention that currently I use a line under my header and above my
footer. In the header are the document type on the left and the document
name on the right. In the footer are the "confidentially" level on the
right, page number in the middle, and hard date (not a field) on the right.
Duplex printing is used inconsistently around here, so I don't design for
it. I must have path/file name (of varying length, usually long and can go
over two lines) somewhere in the header/footer. I must have page number,
natch. I prefer to keep a date associated with the doc, and keep the doc
name in the header (but could put type and doc name in the same side instead
of different in the header.)
Does this bother any other writers at all? What other solutions might you
have tried? Is there a neat design trick I can do so my doc looks good all
the time even if the blankety blank path name pushes the other elements

Thanks in advance,
Rosie Roro a.k.a.
Rose A. Wilcox (the "A" stands for "Argh!")
Project Office / Power Trading
Communication Specialist / Technical Writer
Rose -dot- Wilcox -at- PinnacleWest -dot- com

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