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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* STORY: Dan and the Saga of the Print Screen Key (NEW)
* SEMINARS: Templates/Single-Sourcing/FM-to-Acrobat/PDF Expert (NEW)
* ANNOUNCE: PDF Conference: Leading Edge Practices
* ANNOUNCE: Going to the STC Annual Conference?
* REMINDER: SIGDOC 2002 proposals due April 15th
* NEW: HTML Indexer 4 available!
* JOB: Visiting Asst. Professor-Technical Comm/Prof. Writing
* ANNOUNCE: Free shipping on G&G workbooks all month!
* TRAINING: XML and Localization
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
STORY: Dan and the Saga of the Print Screen Key
"Okay, Uncle Dan, I want a good bedtime story tonight," Caroline solemnly
informed him.
"Well, this one's even a true story, so of course it'll be good," he
"When I started technical writing, I used a keyboard button called 'Print
Screen'. This falsely named key doesn't even send screens to the printer
- it sends them to the clipboard. First, you'd paste your image into
Word, then send it to the printer. To edit it first, you'd have to paste
it into Paint, painstakingly crop it, take your new image and paste it
into Word, and then print it. Tedious work, all of it."
"With Print Screen, I couldn't capture scrolling web pages. I couldn't
specify what region of the screen I wanted to capture. I couldn't create
and store my most frequently used settings. I couldn't even directly
send my capture to a file, an e-mail, or the web!" he thundered.
"No!" Caroline replied, caught up in his enthusiasm. "What happened?"
"I was depressed, slightly overweight, and considered becoming a
guitarist. But then, I discovered SnagIt. I could do all that with
SnagIt and more - SnagIt lets you use filters to edit and annotate images
as you capture. You can even send captures simultaneously to multiple
outputs. You can also try it for free before purchasing," Dan said, his
eyes gleaming.
"The Print Screen key is dead to me," he finished to her appreciative
As he wished her pleasant dreams, he thought of his own dreams. His wish
was that someday - yes - someday, he would play in integral part in
replacing the Print Screen key with a key that read: "SnagIt - Can your
Print Screen key do this?"
But for now, Dan was content to do his part by spreading his message to
the youth of America.
--Find TechSmith and SnagIt at http://www.techsmith.com/twr --
FM, ACROBAT SEMINARS: Template Design / Single-Sourcing /
FM-to-Acrobat / PDF Expert
Shlomo Perets, http://www.microtype.com
FrameMaker Template Design:
- Indianapolis, IN: May 28-29
- New York City, NY: July 25-26
Single-Sourcing with FrameMaker:
- Bethesda, MD: June 5
- New York City, NY: July 24
FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Advanced Techniques:
- Chelmsford, MA: May 23-24
- Indianapolis, IN: May 30-31
- Bethesda, MD: June 6-7 (PDF2002 Conference, post-conf workshop)
- Los Angeles, CA: July 15-16
- Denver, CO: July 18-19
- New York City, NY: July 22-23
PDF Expert:
- Bethesda, MD: June 2 (PDF2002 Conference, pre-conf workshop)
ANNOUNCE: PDF Conference: Leading Edge Practices for Enterprises
PDF Conference: Leading-Edge Practices for Enterprise & Government
June 3 - 5, Bethesda, Maryland
The PDF Conference is the premiere event for users of Adobe
Acrobat and other PDF tools. Held twice each year, the event
features over 45 sessions with PDF experts from around the
world. Pre- and post-conference workshops provide the best
hands-on PDF training ever gathered in one place. The
June 3-5 PDF Conference will be held in Bethesda, MD, USA,
and will focus on "Leading-Edge Practices for Enterprise
& Government."
Topics include PDF Best Practices, Paper to
PDF, Creating Good Output from Diverse Inputs, How Secure
is Your PDF, Section 508 Compliance, Intro and Advanced
Forms, PDF Prepress Workflow, Optimizing Web Servers for
PDF, Conversion Tips, PDF forms and Databases, JavaScript,
and more. Check www.PDFConference.com
<http://www.PDFConference.com> for early registration
discounts and other offers.
Also note the Fall 2002 PDF Conference,
"Leading-Edge Practices for Regulated Industries & Government,"
to be held Sept. 17-19 in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
ANNOUNCE: Going to the STC Annual Conference?
If you're going to the STC Annual conference, check out
these TECHWR-L resources:
Subscribe to the "stc-conf-discuss" discussion list to
discuss the upcoming conference, travel and get-together
plans, and other STC conference-related topics:
This special list is sponsored by Bright Path Solutions
(http://www.travelthepath.com) and hosted by RayComm, Inc.
"Tips for Attending Conferences"
Identify yourself as a TECHWR-Ler at the upcoming
STC conference! The TECHWR-L store has Tshirts, mugs,
and more:
REMINDER: SIGDOC 2002 proposals due April 15th
ACM SIGDOC 2002 October 20-23
Toronto, Canada
The proposal deadline has been extended. Proposals are now due
by Monday April 15th. Proposals should be in plain text format,
200-500 words, sent to Michael Priestley (program chair) at
mpriestl -at- ca -dot- ibm -dot- com
For more information see:
NEW: HTML Indexer 4 available now!
N O W A V A I L A B L E ! HTML Indexer 4 adds:
* Fully integrated support for cross-references
* Optional target frames and windows
(both project-wide and entry-specific)
* Optional framed output
(separate frames for navigation and index entries)
* Separate files for individual letter groups
* Expanded undo-redo memory
* Easy "one-step accept" for default entries
* ...and more!
HTML Indexer 4 is still the easiest way to create and maintain
back-of-the-book indexes for web sites, intranets, HTML Help,
JavaHelp, and other HTML documents.
Download the free demo from our web site:
JOB: Visiting Assistant Professor- Technical Communication/Professional
Possible one-year, visiting appointment (3-3 teaching load) in Technical
Communication/Professional Writing, beginning August 2002. Ph.D. and
teaching experience required. Salary competitive and commensurate with
experience. OSU offers the B.A., the M.A. and the Ph.D. in Technical
Writing. For further information on the department, see our web page
at http://english.okstate.edu. For information on the Technical Writing
Program see http://www.okstate.edu/artsci/techwr/. To assure full
consideration, applications must be received by May 1, 2002. However, we
will continue to accept and consider applications until the position is
filled. Send letter of application, cv, writing sample, and dossier
including three letters of recommendation to Carol Moder, Head.
Minorities and women encouraged to apply. AA/EOC.
Carol Lynn Moder
Department of English
205 Morrill Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
ANNOUNCE: Free shipping on G&G workbooks all month!
No budget for training?
Don't want to fly?
Now you can learn at your own pace with a workbook from Gordon & Gordon...
Get all the informative slides, thought-provoking exercises and
useful reference materials distributed at our popular workshops.
And until April 30, all techwr-l subscribers get FREE SHIPPING!!
Check out these intriguing titles...
* Documenting APIs and SDKs: A Guide for Non-Programmers
* System Design for Technical Writers
* Writing Marketing Materials for High-Tech Firms
* Good Enough Documentation
* Technical Writing 101: the Basic Skills
means there's no risk for you!
For more information or to order a workbook today, visit
TRAINING: XML and Localization
8 May 2002 City West Hotel, Dublin, Ireland
17 June 2002 Boston, MA
Presenter: Yves Savourel
Cost: $795 reduced rates available for more than 1 registration
The seminar will look at XML from the localization viewpoint: as a format
used more and more to store translatable material, as well as a format
localizers can take advantage of to improve their processes. The seminar
will provide an overview of the basic facets of XML and its related
technologies, underlining the internationalization aspects. It will
present guidelines to create XML vocabularies and to author XML documents
with localization in mind. It will illustrate how to implement
re-usability, localization directives, as well as various some of the
other advantages XML can offer. Localizing XML documents and interfaces
will be covered by looking at the various current solutions, addressing
some of their implementation issues and examining how to take advantage of
interoperability to create alternate efficient processes. The class will
also delve into the different existing localization-related formats, it
will look more especially at XLIFF and how to take advantage of it. All
parts of the seminar will be illustrated by many concrete examples, and
some hand-on exercises.
For agenda, registration information, and other details:
The Localization Institute
4513 Vernon Blvd.
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 233-1790 Phone
(608) 441-6124 Fax
ulrich -at- localizationinstitute -dot- com
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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