RE: musical chairs

Subject: RE: musical chairs
From: jgarison -at- ide -dot- com
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 11:14:37 -0400

Matt responded to Anonymous about experiences in mergers and such ...

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Matthew Horn [mailto:mhorn -at- macromedia -dot- com]


>>So, what your question boils down to is, who's ass do I kiss?
>>Well, that depends. I think your job security is based on
>>what you have done in the past, not what you can do over the
>>next couple of weeks. In my experience, most of the decisions
>>of who to keep and who to let go has already been made. Worse
>>yet, it may have nothing to do with politicking, or even your
>>experience, knowledge, or technical ability, but rather what
>>product you are working on.


I couldn't agree more. Most times these things are done at very high levels
by people who do not see the "people" they are dealing with, rather it's a
numbers game played with "resources". Someone has probably already
determined which product lines to keep, which to sell, and which to let
wither on the vine.

That said, there are some things you can do that, even if they don't help
you keep your current job, can help you begin the search process. Sit down
and write your own annual review. List your accomplishments. Demonstrate the
value you provide to the organization. That way, if they do ask the managers
to rank their people/resources, you have something to present to your
manager to possible help you make the cut. (Of course, you may not even know
that your manager is ranking people, so you might want to just provide it
anyway.) If it helps, great. If not, you have the start of a great resume
and cover letter.

Bottom line: There's not really a lot you can do about it, other than to be

My 2ยข,


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