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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
"techwr-l owner" <techwr-l-owner -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
<archive -at- raycomm -dot- com>
You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* STORY: SnagIt and the Screen Capture World
* ANNOUNCE: LavaCon: final days to save $500 + other news
* CONFERENCE: Tri-XML 2003 Conference
* ANNOUNCE: FREE worldwide shipping on FrameMaker workbooks
* ANNOUNCE: TECHWR-L 10th Anniversary Contests
* REMINDER: STC Annual Conference Discussion List
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
Now, as a Techwr-l visitor, you can receive a 10% discount
on all of our online courses. Courses include technical
writing, business writing, introduction and advanced XML,
XSL techniques, graphic design, user interface design
& analysis, usability testing, online help design and
web-based training design.
Online-Learning has established a solid reputation for
delivering high-quality courses. Check out our testimonials!
Courses feature self-paced reading materials, one-to-one instructor
interaction, scheduled audio or text chats and practical,
hand-marked assignments with detailed instructor feedback.
And all of our courses are university-certified
in the United States and Canada.
Visit us today at http://www.online-learning.com/index.html?techwrl.
Make sure you use discount code "techwrl" when you register
to receive your 10% discount!
STORY: SnagIt and the Screen Capture World
Dan the technical writer thought his date was going pretty well. They'd
already out to eat, and now they were walking over to the ice cream parlor
in the outdoor mall.
They passed a home decorating store, and Alyssa said, "Oh! Do you want to
stop in here - I can show you the globe I just bought for my living room."
Dan nodded appreciatively as she showed it to him and described how useful
it would be for reference purposes.
They passed a computer store and Dan thought, "What the heck?" He said
aloud, "Do you want to stop in here - I can show you something on the
Internet." They used a display terminal to log onto the Internet, and Dan
logged onto www.techsmith.com to show off SnagIt - the leading screen
capture program.
He guided her through the Web site and explained how SnagIt could capture
anything off a PC screen - including text, all images simultaneously from
a Web site, short videos, menus - anything you could see on the screen.
He showed her some tutorials, customer interviews, user samples and
feature pages. He snuck a look. She was still interested!
"Anyway," Dan straightened. "As a technical writer, I use SnagIt a lot,
because it's so useful to me."
"This is so interesting - I can definitely see how it'd be helpful!"
Alyssa said. She clutched at his arm and looked into his eyes.
"SnagIt has a lot of exciting features," Dan said, "but the most exciting
one may be . . . that you're looking at it."
They embraced in the middle of the aisle, oblivious to the stares of
"That's the third girl that guy's brought in here this month," an
incredulous salesman said to his coworker.
Broaden your screen capture horizons at www.techsmith.com.
ANNOUNCE: LavaCon: final days to save $500 + other news
New info about LavaCon, The International Conference On Technical
Communication Management is now available:
o. Only a few days left to save $500 off the full conference tuition:
o. New cancellation policy: no penalty to cancel before September:
o. Hawaiian Airlines group airfare discounts now available:
o. Post-conference workshops are now posted on the conference website:
o. Reserve an ocean view room at the beautiful Maui Prince Resort by
March 31st for only $155/night:
NOTE: You do NOT have to have your registration paid for to make
your hotel reservation. There is also no penalty for cancelling your
hotel reservation before October, so be sure to reserve your room at
the low rate if you of $155/night if you think you may be attending!
LavaCon: The International Conference on
Technical Communication Management
Makena, Maui, Hawaii
October 13 - 17, 2003
LavaCon: Come for the conference, stay for a tan!
CONFERENCE: TRI-XML 2003 CONFERENCE (Research Triangle Park, NC USA)
Theme: "Extending skills and abilities through knowledge sharing"
Dates: July 25-26, 2003 (Friday-Saturday)
Fee: $100/person for the 2-day conference (only 130 seats are available
and 30 are already taken!)
Speakers include some "big names" in XML: DOUG TIDWELL, MICHAEL D.
Topics include: XML, XSLT, Content Management, Structured FrameMaker,
XSQL, Coccoon, Localization, and many more!
Exhibitors/Sponsors: ArborText, Adobe, Bright Path Solutions, COREL,
XyEnterprise, and more to come! (Check the Web site PDF for info about
exhibiting or becoming a sponsor.)
Conference URL: http://www.trixml.org/confindex.html
Contact: Kay Ethier, Tri-XML Programs Manager (919.244.8559 or
mailto:kethier -at- travelthepath -dot- com)
1) XML for Single Sourcing and
2) XML for Database Publishing
Bright Path Solutions offers a variety of XML classes, from beginning
classes through very advanced topics. Some classes teach certain
XML-related tools, while others are generic XML classes. More information
is online at http://www.travelthepath.com/training/xml.shtml .
April 28-30, 2003 we are offering "XML for Single Sourcing." You've heard
how XML can be used for all kinds of things; now learn how to apply it to
your publishing. We will teach you how single sourcing with XML can work,
and how you can create customized and personalized documents in multiple
formats, including PDF, HTML, and more.
May 5-7, 2003 we are offering "XML for Databases." This class is taught
by Mr. Michael D. Thomas! Over the course of the three days, attendees
will learn about how you can mate XML with database technologies. The
class includes both lecture and hands-on exercises. Both relational and
native XML databases will be covered. XML and relational database basics
are first reviewed. Then, the attendees will learn about different
architectures of storing XML and how that affects system design. XSLT will
be covered and used to teach XPath, a key search language for XML. The
XML-SQL and XSQL architectures are covered as ways to leverage XML
technologies in conjunction with relational data. You'll learn how to use
XQuery and XQL to query multiple XML documents. An overview is given of
how to use XML in conjunction with the various SQL databases and how SQL
is being extended for better XML integration. The class concludes with an
examination of how to use the popular programmatic APIs (JDOM, Xerces)
with XML and Relational DBs.
Contact George Luke (mailto:gluke -at- travelthepath -dot- com or 919.481.0393) if
would like more information about this class or are interested in
registering. The class is currently 1/3 full, so don't delay!
Bright Path Solutions
Adobe Certified, Quadralay Certified, and XML smart!
Phone: 919.656.2653
Bright Path Solutions has been involved with XML since 1998. Yes, that is
1998! We have been providing educational events and training classes in
XML since its very beginnings. Our experience stretches back to SGML and
forward to new technologies like XSL-FO and RELAX NG.
ANNOUNCE: FREE worldwide shipping on FrameMaker workbooks***
Now through April 15, 2003, get free worldwide shipping on any
FrameMaker workbook bundle from Scriptorium Publishing. ***
Unstructured FrameMaker 7 bundle: includes Accelerated
Introduction to FrameMaker workbook, Template Design workbook, and
FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference.....$259
equivalent classroom-based training: almost $2,000
Structured FrameMaker 7 bundle: includes Introduction to Authoring
workbook, Building EDDs workbook, Creating Structured Applications
workbook, and FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference.....$369
equivalent classroom-based training: almost $2,500
FrameMaker Encyclopedia: all five workbooks and FrameMaker 7: The
Complete Reference...$599
equivalent classroom-based training: over $4,000!
For details about workbooks, visit our web site:
To order:
Unstructured FrameMaker 7 bundle:
Structured FrameMaker 7 bundle:
FrameMaker Encyclopedia:
ANNOUNCE: TECHWR-L 10th Anniversary Contests
With TECHWR-L celebrating its 10th anniversary, we're having a
celebration with contests and prizes--generously provided by our very
own TECHWR-L sponsors. Help celebrate--and win valuable prizes--by
entering the following current contests:
* The "Most compelling 'How TECHWR-L Made A Difference' story"
* The "Who has the most TECHWR-L postings saved for future
reference" contest
* The "Design a 10th anniversary graphic for TECHWR-L" contest
Enter or just find out more by visiting the Contests home page:
REMINDER: STC Annual Conference Discussion List
Are you planning on attending the 50th Annual STC
Conference (May 18-21 in Dallas, TX)? If so, join
the STC Conference discussion list:
This list, sponsored by Bright Path Solutions
(http://www.travelthepath.com), will be available
from March 15th through May 30, 2003. This is an
unmoderated list, and provides conference-goers
with a forum to discuss the upcoming conference,
travel and get-together plans, and other related
This discussion list is not associated with STC,
other than the fact that the focus is discussing
the upcoming STC Annual Conference. This list is
a free service to the technical writing community
provided by RayComm, Inc.
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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