Out of the dim dark past (was Re: UML)
What I need to know is this: Has anyone created documentation under the
umbrella of UML. What were the "gotchas"? What did you find out was the
biggest impact on what you do on a day to day basis? What was your biggest
obstacles. Did it improve what you create and if so, how?
Beth Agnew responded, in part:
Use cases are by far the best aspect of UML. I suggest writing your own narrative use cases, rather than relying on the ones in the software. Use cases are great for capturing specifications and requirements.
<facetious>But shouldn't you be looking for a UML expert instead?</facetious>
Several UML experts from IBM/Rational are giving a web-based seminar on August 13. This seminar might be useful for John (unless he's beyond this point already <g>) or for others who need a quick jump-start on use case and requirements writing, with or without the Rational UML tools.
Writing Good Use Cases - Free webinar from IBM Rational
In this webinar you will learn how to write, manage, model and integrate
use cases to specify system requirements from a user perspective. This
presentation includes demonstrations of the IBM Rational solution for
managing use cases, Rational Rose and Rational RequisitePro. Technical
experts will be available for live Q&A throughout the session.
I participated in a similar webinar (I hate that word) three years ago, before IBM acquired Rational, when I was dropped into a software project where the developers who did the customer interviews had been downsized before they wrote the use cases and requirements documents. I had to come up to speed quickly on both the concepts and the tools. The seminar was quite helpful. The explanation and demonstration of the underlying logic of use cases and requirements development were useful even after this particular company dropped the Rational tools.
Kat Nagel
MasterWork Consulting
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