Re: How can technical documentation add value?
I would like TWs to share their thoughts on how a TW can add value to
the documentation activity beyond just writing user manuals;
how a TW can add more worth to the documentation activity once the
realization that documentation is needed is firmly cemented in
development process;
how technical documentation can make an organization take longer
strides; and,
how can an organization ensure that a customer says â good
The best value you can add is to be involved early in the design of
the product as a spokesman for the future customer. Unfortunately,
the writer normally is not involved until much later. Just before
FCS has been my all-too-frequent experience.
That early-design work, if done well, can even result in a product
for which no documentation is required at all. The customer does
not say, "Good documentation," but instead, "Good product."
The difficult and most important part of most endeavors seems to be
the marketing. Perhaps there is some magic strategy that'll make
every PHB see that a TW in the design stage is a Good Thing. If
anyone has this figured out, let us know!
- Re: How can technical documentation add value?, Peter Neilson
How can technical documentation add value?: From: Reena
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