Re: can you recommend a search tool we could attach to our html documentation?
Can anyone recommend a good search tool that we could add to our html docs
to enable customers to find the information for themselves?
Deva Tools has an indexing component, too. Regardless of which tool you use to create it, I strongly recommend providing an index, rather than (or as well as) a text search tool.
Text search tools typically limit the user to terms that actually appear in the documents. Even if they use "keywords" META tags, the user has no way of knowing what those keywords are, so every search is a shot in the dark.
An index shows the user all the terms and synonyms that can be looked for, eliminates unimportant occurrences of those terms, redirects the user to related concepts, and is unambiguous and familiar in its mechanism.
A V A I L A B L E N O W !
HTML Indexer is still the easiest way to create and maintain real indexes
for web sites, intranets, HTML Help, JavaHelp, and other HTML documents.
can you recommend a search tool we could attach to our html documentation?: From: Elizabeth OShea
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