RE: Mini Survey: Who uses XML?

Subject: RE: Mini Survey: Who uses XML?
From: "John Posada" <JPosada -at- isogon -dot- com>
To: "France Baril" <France -dot- Baril -at- ixiasoft -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:11:37 -0500

>Apology accepted, and I'll try not to
>ask questions that sound to "marketing"
>in the future, still it's always interesting
>to know where the market is going for
>us technical writers, especially when we
>spend so much time on developing new skills.'s perfectly OK to want to know where anything is going.
However, keep in mind that good "interneting" requires that everything
that asks for personal or corporate information that can be used for
marketing/sales/financial intelligence is considered suspect, whether
someone comes out and says so or not.

It would have been a perfectly harmless questions...except for that you
are with an XML solution provider, regardless of what you personally do.

If you'd asked if anyone was considering an asset management program for
the enterprise, nobody would think twice. However, if I did and someone
checked my web site address, coming from me it would appear it was for a
different purpose.

I just happen to come out an express my thoughts...others will be just
as suspicious, but only express that suspicion with the delete key.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer
Isogon Corporation

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