Re: Abstract Design Document
I just started a contract job this week and have an 80 page book due 3
weeks from today. I got this design document, which is all I have to go
by for this book and it is just 3 1-sentence numbered items that are very
undescriptive. It's very frustrating since I've come in in the middle of
a project that is due in a very short amount of time. I'm used to design
documents being at least 4-6 pages long and at least somewhat descriptive
about the document I'm supposed to be writing. Are design documents like
this (that are so short) common? It's really frustrating. Just needed to
vent. Any advice? Any experience with something like this before? Thanks.
Sounds normal to me. Talk to the SMEs.
Lyndsey Amott
Winnipeg, MB R3G 2J3
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