Re: RH X4 and Word 2003
Hey, guys...came across something odd.
I have, and others around here will be getting upgraded to Word 2003. We
just tried to install the latest version of RoboHelp Office X4 on my
machine and it failed to install, with the reason that X4 does not
support Word 2003.
My support people called eHelp (Macromedia?) support and they were told
that indeed, X4 does not, and that it is not planned to...ever.
In theory, the change from Word XP to Word 2003 should be invisible to an automation client like RoboHelp. But I can think of any number of reasons this wouldn't work out.
X5 was supposed to support Word 2003, or so I've heard. A little Googling reveals a bunch of press releases announcing X5's release in November, but that doesn't seem to have happened.
If you have to have Word 2003, and don't want the hassle of running it side-by-side with Word XP, then you may want to consider switching to WebWorks Publisher. I've never used the Word version of Publisher, but the original FrameMaker version is very solid.
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