Re: Texas Tech U/ tech writer experience....
There are many industries and industry segments that value
OJT, intelligence, willingness to learn, and like qualities
just as much, if not more so, than a formal degree.
Collectively speaking, that's probably true. But industries are composed of companies, which are composed of individuals. Some individuals have more say than others, and currently they seem to be the ones that worship paper.
I can name companies that simply won't look at a job applicant who doesn't have a 4-year degree. And even one or two where everybody who isn't a peon has a graduate degree. Even in companies where the policies are more flexible, a hiring manager has to use up a lot of chips with the corporate bureaucracy to hire somebody who doesn't have a lot of paper qualifications.
I'm not saying that you can't get by without the paper. But you better be *very* good. If you're up for a job and don't have the formal credentials, you better come accross as a *lot* more qualified than the other candidates. That wasn't so hard to do 5 years ago, when there were more jobs than candidates to fill them. But now the streets swarm with well-qualified people who can't rent a job -- and you're up against all of them. Under these circumstances, you need every advantage you can muster.
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