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Well...thanks!! I doubt I'll get to testing all 874 (so far: 2, neither
as good as SnagIt!!), but I'll let everyone know what I find out as I
work through a few. Thanks for all the help!!
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:50 AM
To: Barry Campbell
Cc: Kimberly McClintock; techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Re: open source screen capture
I get perverse pleasure (sorry) when somebody pronounces with finality
that something doesn't exist. The best I can figure is that if they
haven't seen it, it doesn't exist for them.
Anyway, as we all know, it's a whole lot easier to prove something does
exist than prove that it doesn't.
In the case of free screen capture utilities, you'll get 874 hits when
visit: and search for "screen capture."
SourceForge is the motherlode repository/development central for open
source applications ranging from tiny desktop utilities to heavy duty
server apps.
Not all 874 of those hits will produce something that instantly meets
Kimberly's needs, but there is plenty to choose from.
Instead of "no such animal", the reality is that it's a jungle out
> On 6/20/06, Kimberly McClintock <kimberly -dot- mcclintock -at- openlogic -dot- com>
>> By chance, is anyone using anything at least as good as Snag-It
>> OS?
> No such animal.
> The only Open Source solution for screen capture (assuming you're in
> Windows) is to do a PrtScrn and then paste the contents of the Windows
> Clipboard into GIMP (or similar) and edit accordingly.
> SnagIt may be commercial and closed-source, but it provides more bang
> for the buck than anything in my software toolbox.
> - bc
> --
> Barry Campbell <barry -at- campbell-online -dot- com>
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