Re: Article: Document or else

Subject: Re: Article: Document or else
From: "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>
To: "Lou Quillio" <public -at- quillio -dot- com>, "Katie Kearns" <katie -dot- kearns -at- gmail -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 12:46:15 -0700

The article cited in the original post described Microsoft's efforts as
attempting to head off fines resulting from antitrust rulings, not the
potential loss of government business. It also referred to the US
Justice Dept as another agency looking over the company's shoulders.
So it appears that "legislation" was indeed involved in this instance,
though it does seem to me that had the EU and US governments just threatened to drop Microsoft from their lists of approved vendors
for software and ordered all their agencies to cease accepting documents in the proprietary formats it might have made more of an impression on the company than court rulings.

Gene Kim-Eng

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lou Quillio" <public -at- quillio -dot- com>

Uhh, there's no market-interfering legislation involved. The EU has
shown leadership in requiring that business with government be done
using open file formats. By extension that means -- to the greatest
extent possible -- internal government business will also be done in
open formats, which in turn means that European government(s) will
not be a purchaser of desktop applications engineered to work best
with proprietary formats.


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Article: Document or else: From: Stuart Burnfield
Re: Article: Document or else: From: Lou Quillio
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Re: Article: Document or else: From: Lou Quillio

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