RE: Adobe Acrobat 3D

Subject: RE: Adobe Acrobat 3D
From: eric -dot- dunn -at- ca -dot- transport -dot- bombardier -dot- com
To: "Johnson, Tom" <TJohnson -at- starcutter -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 13:14:57 -0400

"Johnson, Tom" wrote on 07/26/2006 12:46:29 PM:
> From the technical writing perspective, I get more mileage from
> using Autodesk's Drawing Web Format (DWF). They have a slick viewer
> that lets me hide layers or even components, create cross sections
> and rotate 3D models of parts and assemblies to my heart's content.
> The only thing the engineers have to do is save the drawing file as
> DWF. With the 3D Acrobat, engineers would have to preplan how the
> person looking at it wants to see it.

I think you missed lots of the possibilities. While Voloview may let you
rotate 3d objects, it doesn't let you change any aspects of the 3D model,
its representation, or the position of parts.

You can create the views (sections, transparencies, selected parts),
rotations, animations, and much more with Acrobat 3D. All things that are
very limited or impossible through Voloview for dwgs and dwfs.

Hate to sound like a shrill panderer for Adobe, but simply download the
example PDFs that incorporate Acrobat 3D and try to tell me there's no
Techwriting tie-in or that any other tool available is as powerful.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


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