Re: Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches
Not sure what would cause this, but here are a few questions that may help
pin it down:
- Is the TOC entry correct in Frame? Or is the problem only happening once
you create the Help? This should tell us if the problem is in the original
FrameMaker docs or in the translation through WebWorks.
The TOC entry is correct, I think; I ctrl-alt-click it and it drops me to just the right place in the main documentation file.
- Is the TOC link to a Heading or to a CrossLink? If a CrossLink, check that
the link is correct. If to a Heading, are there any other headings with the
same text?
I guess I'm not entirely sure. When I view the marker, the type is Hypertext and points like so:
openObjectId 1104242
There are no markers whatsoever on the heading; Frame has picked it up by its style (heading3). The interesting thing is that some of the other headings have cross-ref markers like
But the numbers don't seem to have any correlation to the markers in the TOC, so I am not sure whether they were inserted by Webworks or by a prior documenter. Others have more readable cross-ref markers, but I don't know Frame well enough to find out what they reference or how to add the same elsewhere.
Thanks for the tips!
WebWorks ePublisher Pro for Word features support for every major Help format plus PDF, HTML and more. Flexible, precise, and efficient content delivery. Try it today!
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- RE: Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches, Dennett, Denise
- Re: Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches, Fred Ridder
- Re: Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches, Kevin Amery
Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches: From: Ethan Metsger
Re: Webworks, Framemaker, TOC headaches: From: Kevin Amery
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