Re: Indexes in the PDF era

Subject: Re: Indexes in the PDF era
From: Shlomo Perets <shlomo2 -at- microtype -dot- com>
To: "Mayur Polepalli" <dbmayur -at- gmail -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 14:43:12 +0200

Synonyms and related entries can be listed below the main entry, with a
visual indicator (such as dashes or indentation). Alternatively, the main
entry itself can also search for synonyms, so that searching for "font"
would actually search for "font OR typeface". -- Shlomo

Mayur Polepalli wrote:

>Hi Shlomo,
>These look good...I wanted to know how you would handle synonyms. For
>example, in a traditional index, I would have see also entries (update,
>modify, edit and so on).
>On 2/26/07, Shlomo Perets
><<mailto:shlomo2 -at- microtype -dot- com>shlomo2 -at- microtype -dot- com> wrote:
>>If the PDFs are primarily intended for on-screen use, it's not necessarily
>>index or search. The index functionality may be combined with the power of
>>search function, and not just simply mimic the printed book format.
>>For example, the Search function may be employed with pre-defined search
>>phrases, helping readers who are not fully aware as to what to search for,
>>or simply making it easier by not having to type.
>>Production is much simpler in the long run: after the specific mechanism
>>and list of terms are set, the exact location of entries is determined
>>dynamically by the search function (first result displayed on page,
>>following results shown in context in the search panel).
>>Depending on setup and needs, pre-defined searches can be expanded to
>>include related terms, synonyms, multi-document or folder searches etc.
>>The following sample PDFs demonstrate possible directions:
>>* Pre-defined or custom searches through a drop-down menu + Search button
>>(visible but not-printed):
>>(note: PDFs can be enabled with the Acrobat Pro 8 so that end-user custom
>>searches using Reader may be saved)
>>* Pre-defined searches through bookmarks:
>>* Pre-defined searches through pop-up menus:
>>* "Traditional" index entries arranged as a separate set of bookmarks
>>(under "QuickAccess")
>>[These techniques apply to all PDFs, independently of the authoring tool
>>being used]
>>Shlomo Perets
>>MicroType, <> *
>>ToolbarPlus Express for FrameMaker
>>FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FrameMaker-to-Acrobat


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