Re: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What'saWorld-ClassDoc Group Look Like?

Subject: Re: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What'saWorld-ClassDoc Group Look Like?
From: "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:04:50 -0700

You can measure all of these things within your own company
and compare them against a stated goal. Getting stats from
other companies, especially your direct competitors, is another
matter. There are some companies that will actually enter into
partnerships with others for benchmarking purposes, but AFAIK
there is no go-to org that provides matchmaking services; you
just have to start cold-calling companies that publicly appear
to be achieving what you'd like to and see if they'll share.

Gene Kim-Eng

----- Original Message -----
From: <jlshaeffer -at- aol -dot- com>
> Then, the question seems to become, is this lack of information and of common
> assessment methodologies unique to Technical Writing? The manager's original
> question implied that it is possible to make such comparisons in other areas
> (software development, manufacturing, etc.).
> Or are the same challenges found, in reality, in any attempt at benchmarking
> against other organizations?


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RE: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What's aWorld-Class Doc Group Look Like?: From: John Rosberg
Re: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What's aWorld-ClassDoc Group Look Like?: From: Gene Kim-Eng
RE: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What's aWorld-ClassDoc Group Look Like?: From: Fred Ridder
Re: Compare and Contrast Doc Group Performance -- What's aWorld-ClassDoc Group Look Like?: From: jlshaeffer

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