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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Listowner <admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
archive -at- web -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:05:07 -0600 (MDT)
Posted on
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
TECHWR-L Premium Ads
You received this message because you're a subscriber to TECHWR-L.
This ad posting is sent daily directly to all list members to help
underwrite the costs of the list (just as ads in a newspaper,
magazine, or journal underwrite the costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
ANNOUNCE: MadCap Blaze BETA released to the public
ANNOUNCE: An appeal for marrow donors
NEW: Doc-To-Help 2008 with New Interface for Ease of Use
ANN: New Social Network for Technical Communicators
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
ANNOUNCE: MadCap Blaze BETA released to the public
We are pleased to announce that the MadCap Blaze Beta is
now available for public download. By popular request, we
have decided to make this pre-release version available to
the public for a limited time only. This is your opportunity
to download and provide feedback on Blaze before its release.
During this publicly available Beta, we are actively seeking
your feedback and comments. If you already signed up for a
sneak peek of Blaze, you received an email with the download
link for the Beta. If you have not signed up and would like
to test Blaze, visit:
Benefits of MadCap Blaze include:
- Efficient topic-based authoring and single-sourcing
- Share and update content across projects using the Master
Project feature
- Build deliverables at the command line and save them to a
specified network location
- Multiple document outlines in one project
- Multiple page layouts in one project
- Leverage existing Word and FrameMaker documents
- Native XML with full Unicode and Double-Byte support
- Dynamically adjust page numbers to next or previous, above
or below, using smart cross-references
- Easily translate content with direct MadCap Lingo
- And much more...
To attend a free, live and interactive demo of Blaze, sign
up here:
----Product Roadmap----
Also announced today are four new products under development
from MadCap Software. To sign up for any one of these exciting
new products, visit the respective product pages using the
links below.
* MadCap Team Server - Automate and manage content and
workflow across the enterprise. Team Server will feature
integrated source control, a content management database for
leveraging content development efforts, enable authors to
automatically schedule, build and publish Flare or Blaze
projects, and much more.
* MadCap X-Edit - This new robust word processor will
make it easy for "occasional contributors" to create short
documents, as well as edit and send documents to Flare or
Blaze users for inclusion in projects. It also supports
native PDF and XPS output, and integration with MadCap
* MadCap X-Edit Express - A light version of X-Edit, and
a free solution for sharing, reviewing and annotating Flare
and Blaze projects.
* MadCap Press - This new XML-based page design and
layout solution for traditional "glossy" media including
newsletters and magazines using multiple article flows and
graphics. You can use variables and conditional text to
customize content for different audiences, support PDF and
XPS output, integrate with MadCap Lingo for
easy translation of content, and much more.
With the introduction of these new products, the MadCap family
of products provides companies with a tightly integrated
and complete end-to-end solution for developing, delivering,
and managing any content in print, online and on the Web-and
in their language of choice.
To read the full press release announcement, please visit:
NEW: Doc-To-Help 2008 with New Interface for Ease of Use
New Interface Provides Unprecedented Ease of Use and Efficiency
PITTSBURGH, PA - March 14, 2008 - ComponentOne today announces the
release of its next generation Doc-To-Help product. ComponentOne
Doc-To-Help 2008 supplies streamlined new authoring features, with
state of the art end-user features, all within the brand new
Microsoft Office 2007 style interface.
ComponentOne, a Premier Microsoft partner, utilizes the latest
design standards in creating its interfaces. ComponentOne
Doc-To-Help 2008 features Ribbon tool bars, option dialog
boxes, and Microsoft Outlook-style panes for modern design
and ease of use. Other visual organizers such as the Topics
Grid and the Related Topics Editor were also added. The Topics
Grid provides a customizable view of all topics used for setting
properties and adding elements such as context IDs and keywords.
The related Topics Editor allows you to view, edit, and create
related topic links with drag and drop operations, making content
management effortless. By adding this streamlined workflow to
the already powerful single-source publishing capability,
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is truly your tool to Write
today. Publish tomorrow.
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 also debuts its Style Sheet
Editor that configures style sheets in a point-and-click
interface. With ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 youll be able
to create better documentation, eliminate the need to
understand CSS tags, and enjoy the flexibility of its output
We streamlined the workflow and user experience with Microsoft
Office 2007-style interface, visual content organizers, and
intuitive dialogs, said Dan Beall, Product Line Manager at
ComponentOne. We created the ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008
user interface to allow all levels of content authors to
efficiently produce the content they need, at professional
quality, without specific technical expertise.
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 is compatible with ComponentOne
DemoWorks, an intuitive application that allows you to record
anything on your screen then produce a polished shareable demo
in minutes. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 showcases the ability
to insert ComponentOne DemoWorks created Flash movies in Word
documents for online output.
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help automatically excludes the movie when
generating print versions. ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2008 and
ComponentOne DemoWorks are offered individually but may be
bundled together for extra savings. ComponentOne believes that
this bundle is important, as we strive to provide technical content
authors, regardless of their focus, a credible set of tools that
give them everything needed to create visually impressive and
interactive user assistance, training, and marketing materials,
said Steve Day, Director of Global Sales and Marketing at
Visit http://www.componentone.com to purchase your bundle today.
ANNOUNCE: An appeal for marrow donors
Many of you know Montreal techwriter Emru Townsend, who still
does an occasional bit of techwriting in addition to his many
other talents. Tragically, Emru was recently diagnosed with
leukemia, and it looks like he's going to need a bone marrow
I know that our community is an amazingly warm-hearted group,
so I thought I'd enlist your aid to help find a donor. The
procedure for being tested is simple and painless, involving
nothing more than a blood test or cheek swab, depending on the
preferences in your medical jurisdiction. Actually donating
the marrow is a bit more complicated and painful, but not such
a major thing given how safe it is and how meaningful it would
be if you happen to match someone's genes well enough to be a donor.
To learn more about Emru's situation, please visit
http://www.healemru.com ; for links on how to get yourself added
to the marrow donor registry, see
ANN: New Social Network for Technical Communicators
The Content Wrangler Community
(http://thecontentwrangler.ning.com) is
the new social network dedicated to people who value content
as a business asset, worthy of being effectively managed. This
is the place where technical communicators, medical and science
writers, marketing pros, online community managers, document
engineers, information architects, localization and translation
pros, taxonomists, bloggers, documentation and training managers,
and content creators of all types hang out. It's much more than
a blog. It's a place to join peers, to share, to collaborate,
to contribute, to find information.
"Social networks are about connecting people and ideas,"
said Scott Abel, manager of The Content Wrangler Community.
"These web-based networks are the natural evolution of the web
from a passive broadcast medium to a multi-directional
communication platform that more closely supports the way
humans interact in the physical world."
The Content Wrangler Community, launched officially March 8,
has attracted nearly 600 members from all over the world. Members
come from a variety of disciplines and experience levels.
"Some of our members really gravitate to the social features
of the community," Abel says. "Things like videos, music,
a discussion forums are some of the most popular. And, of course,
it's a much better medium for interaction compared to
old-school listservs. Members can see each other online and
converse in real time. And, the addition of photos helps
humanize the site."
The Content Wrangler Community includes a variety of features includin
* Keyword searchable archive
* Keyword searchable member directory
* Music and video players
* Groups and discussion forums
* Customizable home pages
* Member-to-member communication
* Integration with Facebook applications
The Content Wrangler Community provides a variety of members only
services, including discounts on upcoming conferences, free access to
tutorials, books, webinars, and online learning courses.
If you need additional information about The Content Wrangler
Community, just ask!
Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler
+1 317.466.1840 scottabel -at- mac -dot- com http://www.thecontentwrangler.com
Join our new social network for content professionals:
And don't miss our upcoming events
Documentation and Training Conference Series
West -- May 6-9, 2008 Vancouver, BC
Life Sciences -- June 23-26, 2008 Indianapolis, IN
East - October 29-November 1, 2008, Burlington, MA
Learn more: http://www.doctrain.com
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5000 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact us
(admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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