Re: Does grant writing fall under technical writing?

Subject: Re: Does grant writing fall under technical writing?
From: Diane Brennan <dalaine00 -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: arroxaneullman -at- aol -dot- com, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 09:43:05 -0800 (PST)

Great minds think alike! I've been talking to grant writers in my area to find out about that field because I'm also thinking about making a switch. One of them works for a non-profit and her title is actually fundraiser. She has an English degree, like I do, so that was encouraging. But like technical writing, there is a networking aspect to the job so you need to get connected to that network in your area. I'm still researching that part of it.

But as far as being similar to technical writing, yes, it looks to me like it is. You need to interview people to gather information, do independent research, and put together the information. But it seems to me that there is also some persuasive writing skills involved. It isn't just instruction--you are building a case for why the grant should be given to one group over another group. So this past week I started combing book stores looking for persuasive writing books (haven't found one yet). Right now I'm reading a book on theory of logical arguments. I'm going to check out the UW law library over the holidays to try find good resources on persuasive writing.

As far as the pay, a good freelance grant writer can make up to 10% of the grant that they write, according to one grant writer I know. When I look at salary sites, it looks like grant writers make much less than a technical writer. So I'm not convinced yet that it's a viable career choice. But I'm working with a friend of mine who is researching grants for a local park where we're trying to restore native plants near a stream so that will give me an idea of how the grant-writing process works.

If you are part of a volunteer group, you may want to start out by trying to research grants that would benefit your group.

From: "arroxaneullman -at- aol -dot- com" <arroxaneullman -at- aol -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2008 9:13:41 AM
Subject: Re: Does grant writing fall under technical writing?

Grant writing is most definitely a form of technical writing. I have known many technical writers who write grants. Of course you no more have to be a technical writer to write grants than you have to be one to write a training guide--but it sure as heck helps!

Happy Holidays!


-----Original Message-----
From: Cardimon, Craig <ccardimon -at- M-S-G -dot- com>
To: Technical Writing <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Sent: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 11:14 am
Subject: Does grant writing fall under technical writing?

I was discussing grant writing with a friend who writes grants the other
day. Grants have to be written in a certain format, following guidelines
and rules. I believe you could call grant writing another form of
technical writing. My friend was dubious. What do you folks think?


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Does grant writing fall under technical writing?: From: Cardimon, Craig
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