Re: "Gage"

Subject: Re: "Gage"
From: "Suzanne Chiles" <suzchiles -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: "Downing, David" <DavidDowning -at- users -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 10:11:30 -0800

The first time I ever saw the spelling of "gage" was on a 1990 Dodge Caravan
instrument panel. It was at that moment I swore I would never buy a Chrysler
product under any cirucumstances.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Downing, David <DavidDowning -at- users -dot- com>wrote:

> At 2:59 PM -0600 12/9/08, Nancy Allison wrote:
> >While "guage" is definitely not correct, I had the painful experience
> of
> >working in a technical environment that spelled the word "gage." It was
> >widely accepted, too, and I had to bite the bullet and spell it that
> >way. Still a disturbing memory!
> >
> >--Nancy
> Well:
> Gage is the generally used term in the mechanical engineering field
> in reference to various instruments for geometric dimensioning and
> tolerancing. i.e. thread gage, depth gage...
> And it is an alternative spelling for gauge. If you don't like it,
> you may cast your gage and challenge them to unequal combat of wits.
> Scott
> =================================
> Sounds like yet another example of a misspelling becoming accepted
> because everyone was doing it. But I concede that it has become
> *officially* accepted, because it's in my spell checker's dictionary.
> And while we're back on the subject of twisting the language, did you
> say "tolerancing"??? I'm not sure how much tolerance I have for that
> one -- and my spell checker does *not* recognize that one.
> David
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Suzanne Chiles
suzchiles -at- gmail -dot- com
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