I don't even know how to google for this forgotten term

Subject: I don't even know how to google for this forgotten term
From: Peter Neilson <neilson -at- windstream -dot- net>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2009 14:52:18 -0400

[Removes head, bangs it on floor, replaces it--no improvement.]

So instead I'll ask you fine folks...

What are the correct technical terms for a list with two columns, where
you can select items from the inactive column and move them over to the
active one? Or vice-versa.

This issue was covered here in TECHWR-L a year or three ago.

Here's what happens when I choose to make item "B" active...

1 2
A -
B -
C -
- D
E -

1 2
A -
- B
C -
- D
E -

(The whole view is generally wider than I showed here, but the
skinnified version won't get as badly damaged by proportional spacing.)

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