Re: Word 03: Delete HRZ rule above header?

Subject: Re: Word 03: Delete HRZ rule above header?
From: Chris Morton <salt -dot- morton -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:58:23 -0700

Thanks for pointing me in that direction, Geoff. It seems my predecessor
had applied the Footer style to the headers on the even pages! I mean,
doesn't that make sense?


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Geoff Hart <ghart -at- videotron -dot- ca> wrote:

> Chris Morton wondered: <<I'm using Word 2003 SP3 and have inherited some
> docs from another user. On pages past page 1, there is a horizontal rule
> above the page header that I'd like to remove, but cannot figure out how to
> do so. Where is the hidden option to turn this bloody thing off?>>
> Odds are good it's a paragraph "border", and has been defined as part of
> the paragraph style. So your first step is to learn what style has been
> applied to these headers. Odds are good it will be the default style for
> running headings, "Header". Edit the properties of this style (in Word 2003,
> via the Styles palette): select the "Border" property, and set it to "none",
> click your way out of the dialog, and you should be good to go.
> You can also do this manually, one instance of the problem at a time, but
> editing the style definition is a better approach because it will fix the
> problem once and for all.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Geoff Hart (
> ghart -at- videotron -dot- ca / geoffhart -at- mac -dot- com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Effective Onscreen Editing:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Word 03: Delete HRZ rule above header?: From: Chris Morton
Word 03: Delete HRZ rule above header?: From: Geoff Hart

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