Re: Two questions

Subject: Re: Two questions
From: "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>
To: "Keith Hood" <klhra -at- yahoo -dot- com>, <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:41:21 -0700

The functions you describe all sound about right to me for a
senior-grade, i.e., "lead," "principal," or
"whatever-high-level-but-not-managment-term-you-prefer" systems analyst.

It sounds to me as if it's open season at that recruiting firm, and the
first person to get a resume in the door of the client wins the gold

Gene Kim-Eng

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hood" <klhra -at- yahoo -dot- com>
> First, I got a message from a recruiter about a job as a system
> analyst. The description of the job duties included things that I
> think are normal for such a position, such as developing requirements
> for software being written, identifying hardware and software and
> networking structure needs, etc. But it also stated the analyst would
> execute contracts with vendors for designing and building a data
> warehouse, and supervise the work done by the vendors. (A system
> analyst responsible for contract enforcement?) They also wanted
> someone who is experienced in programming in Access, MySQL, and VBA,
> and the job would include modifying and maintaining application code.
> And there's other stuff about maintaining an inhouse website and a
> couple of other things. It looks to me like they're trying to get 4 or
> 5 different types of work out of one paycheck. Am I wrong? (This job
> is with a state government agency, by the way.)
> Second, in one day I got no less than 7 messages about a different
> opening. They are all about the same opening, and all from 7 different
> people at the same recruiting firm. I've never seen such a buckshot
> spread of messages before. Are these people all so desperate to get a
> live one on the hook they're ignoring normal procedure, or does maybe
> this recruiting firm have no controls on who works what accounts?


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Two questions: From: Keith Hood

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