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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Listowner <admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
archive -at- web -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:05:08 -0700 (MST)
Posted on
Monday, November 30, 2009
TECHWR-L Premium Ads
You received this message because you're a subscriber to TECHWR-L.
This ad posting is sent daily directly to all list members to help
underwrite the costs of the list (just as ads in a newspaper,
magazine, or journal underwrite the costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
HELP & MANUAL: The all-in-one help authoring tool
ANN: Dr.Explain Reduces Time to Document Software Apps
ANN: Creating Business or Systems Analysis Documentation?
ANNOUNCE: Cash for Clunkers Trade In Program from MadCap
ANN: 25% off on Documenting APIs and "Just Enough Java"
HELP & MANUAL: The all-in-one help authoring tool
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
ANN: Dr.Explain Reduces Time to Document Software Applications
Dr.Explain is a tool that lets drastically reduce the time
required to produce help files and documentation for software.
The unique technology automates the process of software user
interface documenting as it has eliminated much of the drudgery
of screenshots capturing, editing and annotating.
Dr.Explain captures screens from your live application,
analyzes them, and makes stunning screenshot images. Each
screenshot is automatically annotated with numbered references
to all Windows buttons, edit fields, radio buttons, dropdown
lists, toolbars, trees, and other controls. In addition,
Dr.Explain creates a numbered paragraph with preset text for
each of these numbered controls. Simply alter text in each
numbered paragraph, and you'll have almost everything that
you need to document your applications GUI.
Dr.Explain keeps your documentation in a single source project
file, and makes it easy to make modifications and revisions.
It produces help files in CHM or HTML format (online manuals),
as well as RTF documentation files that can be printed or loaded
Dr.Explain takes much pain out of creating documentation. By
automating the process, the savings in time and tedium on a
single development project will pay for the software many times
Dr.Explain runs under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. It processes
the applications made with all major Windows and web development
environments, including Visual Studio C/C++/C#/.NET/MFC/WTL/WinForms,
Visual BASIC, Delphi, Clarion, Java (SWING), HTML web pages,
and SWF flash applications.
Dr.Explain costs $125(US) for a single-user Regular License. The
single-user Advanced License costs $165(US), and includes
additional tools and features, command line support. You can
download a free trial version from the product's web site -
http://www.drexplain.com/ .
ANN: Creating Business Analysis or Systems Analysis documentation?
Need to document requirements?
Find free resources at:
MORE $$$
Boost your career and command a greater salary!
ModernAnalyst.com is the premier community and resource portal
for business analysts, technical writers, and other IT
professionals involved in business systems analysis.
Find what you need, when you need it. The
ModernAnalyst.com community provides:
- Articles
- Forums
- Templates
- Interview Questions
- Career Advice
- Humor
- Resource Directory
and much more, to allow you to excel at your work.
Whether you create documents for legacy systems,
integrate off-the-shelf products, perform systems analysis for
custom software development, or re-engineer business processes,
ModernAnalyst.com has what you need to take your career to the
next level.
ANNOUNCE: Cash for Clunkers Trade In Program from MadCap
Are you still driving yesterday's technology? Trade in your
old clunker for a new model!
The team at MadCap Software has been developing, innovating and
leading the authoring industry for over a decade.
Superior capabilities and functionality
* SMART! Flare is easy to use and built from the ground up the
right waywith a focus on getting the most out of your work
through single-sourcing and multi-channel publishing. Create
once and re-use.
* INNOVATIVE! Flare uses the latest-greatest technologies
available and finds new ways to solve old problems, whether
that means a one-of-a kind user interface or support for DITA.
* POWERFUL! Flare is powerful enough to handle all of your
documentation and publishing needs for online, print, and even
DITA. Why create your online and print-based output in different
tools when you can do everything in one place?
* COMPLETE! Flare has all the bells and whistles you would
expect in a high-end XML-based publishing system, including
single-sourcing features such conditional text, variables,
snippets, and more.
* SENSIBLE! No proprietary files - all content and project files
are stored as open, transparent, accessible XML files.
* AWARD WINNING! Flare was chosen by Microsoft® as a showcase
application for Visual Studio and XPS, and a core product from
an award-winning company recognized by organizations such as
Red Herring 100, California Tech 100, TechAmerica, and others.
Industry leading customer care and support
* CUSTOMER FOCUSED! MadCap Software is committed to the customer.
We dont succeed unless you succeed!
* KNOWLEDGEABLE! When you talk to our sales staff, youre talking
to people who know their stuff, with direct access to engineers
for even the toughest questions.
* CLOSE TO THE SOURCE! Customer care and technical support staff
are well-trained, certified Flare usersnot located on another
continent, but in the same facility as management and programmers.
* WORLDWIDE! No matter where you are in the world, MadCap has a
global network of Certified Trainers and Consultants available
to help you.
A complete suite of supporting applications
* TIGHT INTEGRATION! Whether its just you or a large team of
writers working together, MadCap Software has the tools you need.
Best of all, the tools are all tightly integrated; they work
seamlessly together, which means you will too.
* TOTAL WORKFLOW! With MadCaps suite of products, you have a
complete end-to-end workflow solution, from authoring and
multimedia creation; to reporting, analysis and collaboration;
to translation and localization.
Save $400! Trade in your legacy authoring tool and get $400 off
MadPak or Flare. Plus, if you buy maintenance, get jumpstart
training free (a $299 value). Offer expires 12/31/09.
Email sales -at- madcapsoftware -dot- com or visit
ANN: 25% off sale on Documenting APIs and
Just Enough Java videos
As a Documentation Specialist, you need to continue evolving
your tech-writing skills. But in todays economy who can
afford the time and money to attend an out-of-state (or
country) seminar? With our line of Workshops-on-a-DVD and
workbooks we bring the seminar to you.
Fall Special: 25% off our DVDs. Thats a savings of $100!
** Documenting APIs and SDKs: Workshop-on-a-DVD **
This unique video explains, step-by-step, how to create
useful documentation for a Software Development Kit.
Topics include:
- How to structure the documentation set for an SDK
- What programmers really want
- How to outline a Developer's Guide
- How to automatically generate a Reference Manual using DGP
- And much more.
** Just Enough Java: Workshop-on-a-DVD **
You don't have to know everything about Java to work on an
API written in that language. You just need to know enough
to decode the source files and actually start writing,
instead of having to rely on the programmer's notes. At the
end of this video, you will be able to do exactly that!
Full of illuminating advice, easy-to-follow examples,
practical exercises and a hard copy workbook, these
Workshops-on-a-DVD are designed and presented by
award-winning, 25-year veteran writer-programmer,
Manuel Gordon, based on his highly popular Gordon &
Gordon seminars.
Learn at your own pace, and in the comfort of your own space.
http://www.thirdwavestudios.com - 800-481-6728 514-733-0354
HELP & MANUAL: The all-in-one help authoring tool
Help & Manual is a complete help authoring and technical
writing package. It comes with everything you need out of the
box and combines intuitive operation and a fast learning curve
with full access to the nuts and bolts of your projects for
unlimited customization.
Highlights include team authoring, multiple versions from a
single project, reusable content libraries, direct translation
with Trados and one-click layout and formatting with skins and
PDF templates.
Everything you need comes with your original
purchase - including a graphics editor with layers for
screenshots, a PDF layout tool, a screen capture tool and an
index tool that lets you edit the finished index in real time.
Fast and competent email support is also included in the purchase
"I've tried several different apps, some of them
quite expensive, and none comes close to H&M for
depth of features, stability and ease of use. Each
time I use it, I discover some new 'Wow!!' feature."
Steve Rindsberg, Microsoft MVP
Who needs Help & Manual?
Help authors and documentation teams:
Produce full-featured, context-sensitive application help for
both MS Windows and cross-platform and Web-based applications. Build
different electronic documentation and printed manual versions
fast from a single project with no unnecessary repetition.
Corporate information managers:
Build Internet or intranet-based corporate information systems
working alone or in a team. Update fast and make all the latest
information available instantly, company-wide.
Corporate technical writers:
With its wealth of output formats, team authoring and powerful
single-sourcing and conditional output capabilities Help & Manual
is ideal for producing, maintaining and updating documentation
of all kinds.
Electronic book authors:
Help & Manual does eBooks, both the universal ePUB format and
self-contained EXE format that runs on any Windows computer.
Get your documentation out onto the new generation of mobile
devices before the competition.
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5000 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact us
(admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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