Re: New Poll: Stability of your current tech pubs organization?

Subject: Re: New Poll: Stability of your current tech pubs organization?
From: Jefe de redacciÃn <editorialstandards -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: Deborah Ray <debray -at- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 12:23:58 -0400

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Deborah Ray <debray -at- raycomm -dot- com> wrote:
> Hey, Gang!
> Check out the new poll question on the TECHWR-L Web site:
> How would you describe the stability of your current technical publications
> team or organization?
> * Growing: Hiring new team members
> * Stable: Not hiring, but stable, consistent team
> * Holding our own: Have had departures, but hiring replacements
> * Shrinking: Have had departures, and not hiring replacements
> * Unstable: Departures (or multiple new hires) hindering progress
> * Unstable: Near future of our team within the company is uncertain
> * Unstable: Near future of our team is not expected to be positive

Well, I guess the second option would apply to me.

I've been the lone writer at this office for a dozen years, while
the company has grown and shrunk, and been acquired
several times. There are other writers in other divisions,
but we are not a group. We are not even sure that we have
tracked down all of us who do this for a living in the company -
the Outlook profiles are not too helpful as each division calls
their writer something different.

On the other hand, I suppose I could have said "growing"
but that would be girth, and probably not what was intended.

(*)/ (*)
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