TECHWR-L Daily Announcements
Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2011Upcoming Events:
- Developing Quality Documentation in an Agile Environment
- STC Toronto Education Day
- Information Modeling for Topic-based Authoring in DITA and XML
- Job-Specific and File-Specific FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers Settings (free webinar)
- The MadCap Roadshow -- Denver, CO
- Unstructured FrameMaker Essentials, Toronto, Canada - May 9th - May 12th, 2011
- Ten FrameMaker Tips #3 (free webinar)
- MadCap Flare 3-Day Basic/Intermediate Training in Bangalore
"The most original authors are not so because they advance what is new, but because they put what they have to say as if it had never been said before.
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sponsoring this mailing
If you or your company would like to sponsor this mailing, contact the TECHWR-L Admins at admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com for more information about costs and availability.
Recent Stories:
- Sponsor TECHWR-L
- TECHWR-L History, Purpose, and Future
- TECHWR-L Archives
- Welcome Back, Thanks, and Congratulations to Doc-To-Help, a Renewing TECHWR-L Sponsor
Recent Polls:
- How do you display samples online without proprietary information?
- In 2011, I expect to:
- As a technical writer, do you have a preference for using open source tools and utilities?
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