Re: Clarification on Help file question
won't know what a radio button is (that's what programmers call them, but from a user perspective, what do they have to do with radios? Nothing!)
In your 1949 Ford's car radio there were five round pushbuttons for preselected stations. Pushing in one of them popped out another one, mechanically. Some more recent car radios have had a similar function, electronically.
My stations were WEEI, WNAC, WHDH, WBZ and WMEX.
The term definitely does not belong in user-facing documentation.
On a totally different note, the box on the right names one guy as both TODD and TOM. Oops!
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- Re: Clarification on Help file question, Peter Neilson
- RE: Clarification on Help file question, Wright, Lynne
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RE: Clarification on Help file question: From: Wright, Lynne
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