Re: where to hyphenate: non-native-English-speaking ?
Is there a separate development team composed only of non-native-English speakers?
Otherwise you might try, "My initial source material was a Word document authored by the non-native-English speakers on the development team." (Or maybe remove the first "the.")
Or is the entire development team composed of non-native-English speakers?
The three-hyphen string looks technically correct at first but it's actually modifying "development team."
An offlist reply supplied a very elegant rewrite that I've gone with, "... the Development team, for whom English is a second language."
I think the three-hyphen version is correct for what I meant: the entire dev team was in Asia, and English was a 2nd (or 3rd) language for everybody. Email exchanges were a challenge, and the time zone difference made scheduling calls difficult. But it was a wonderful team to work with, and they cared much more than most dev teams (regardless of location/language) about making sure that the docs were correct and reflected well on their work :-).
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- RE: where to hyphenate: non-native-English-speaking ?, Janoff, Steven
where to hyphenate: non-native-English-speaking ?: From: Monique Semp
RE: where to hyphenate: non-native-English-speaking ?: From: Janoff, Steven
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