RE: Retired Tech Writer looking for help

Subject: RE: Retired Tech Writer looking for help
From: Tammy Van Boening <tammyvb -at- spectrumwritingllc -dot- com>
To: Stuart Rogers <stuart -dot- rogers -at- sympatico -dot- ca>, "techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 13:51:42 +0000

Hi Roger,

This is Tammy Van Boening. I am one of the moderators of the Frameusers list and yes, it has dwindled in the number of users in recent years, but it is still active w/ us old-timers, I assure you. Are you no longer a member of the Framerusers list? If so, please send a subscription request to; otherwise, I can post your request for you.

Let me know what you would prefer and it's awesome to hear from you!!!


Tammy Van Boening
Tammy dot vanboening at spectrumwritingllc dot com
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Retired Tech Writer looking for help: From: Stuart Rogers

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