Re: STC'S Electronic Bulletin Board

Subject: Re: STC'S Electronic Bulletin Board
From: Bill Konrad <konrad -at- SAGE -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1993 18:34:14 EST

Greg Kushmerek writes:

[much deleted]

> Assume that they were able to create a viable system for Internet access
> using remote or local providers. I can't see how Internet access and
> materials available via ftp would make that much of a difference
> in the membership. And even if that did, do you know the amount of dues
> that goes into a general expansion fund? Or do you know if dues are
> evenly sliced among member services? How many new members would
> increase the STC treasury by that much? I mean, with each new member,
> the STC also has a degree of cost involved. I don't know what that
> cost is, but I think it would be a good idea to know.

One thing that would be of great value to have on the internet would
be the STC jobs listing. Although I'm a member, I haven't dialed-up to
browse the job listings because of the long distance costs. Ideally,
it would be available in a WAIS set-up where people could query it for
say specific regions or for particular job categories. But even if it
were simply a file available for ftp, that'd be worth something to
me. And for students just graduating and looking for a job in a tight
job market, I'm sure that would be a big selling point to get new

> David, if you know of some definitive pricing schemes, then perhaps
> you would be better off drawing up a proposal and mailing it to
> the STC? If you do, could I have a copy as a point of reference? This
> type of material interests me.

On the Usenet group, there is a semi-reglarly
posted listing of internet service providers. I haven't looked at it
recently, but the last time I looked, there were many (and seemed to
be always increasing). The rates seemed quite reasonable.

Bill Konrad | What am I doing at a level of
konrad -at- sage -dot- cc -dot- purdue -dot- edu | consciousness where this is real?
| --Thaddeus Golas
| The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment

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