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Subject:Postscript files From:Margaret Gerard <margaret -at- TOSHIBA -dot- TIC -dot- OZ -dot- AU> Date:Wed, 8 Sep 1993 12:23:28 EST
I want to make a major revision to our copyright and trademarks statements which
are postscript files included in Framemaker files (documents).
The copyright file contains lines e.g.
8.36 157.11 moveto 0.45 0 (All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by
copyright) ashow
The words inside the brackets are part of the actual copyright statement and the
rest of the stuff on the line controls the placement and format of this text.
Can anybody tell me what the numerics represent; what moveto and ashow mean?
Would this be documented in an Adobe manual? We don't have any.
Is there an Email address for queries to Adobe similar to comments -at- frame -dot- com or
a newsgroup?
Thanks for your help,
Margaret Gerard, Email: margaret -at- toshiba -dot- tic -dot- oz -dot- au Fax: 61 2
Toshiba International Corporation