_JTWC_ Call for Papers (2nd post)

Subject: _JTWC_ Call for Papers (2nd post)
From: Randy Allen Harris <raha -at- WATARTS -dot- UWATERLOO -dot- CA>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 08:26:53 -0500

Just a reminder of next year's special Canadian issue of _JTWC_, which is
now in the paper-gathering phase. If you're working on something like, I
don't know, perhaps, well, TECHNICAL WRITING VS. MARKETING WRITING, Pam and
I would be more than happy to consider it for the issue.

********************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 1 JUNE, 1994 **********************

The _Journal of Technical Writing and Communication_ is pleased to announce
a special issue on Technical Communication in Canada

Papers, in either official language, should concern issues of interest to
technical communicators in Canada, original research by Canadian scholars
in technical communication, the place of Canadian technical communication
in the international scene, or related topics. Please see the inside back
cover of any JTWC issue for style, citation format, and further submission
details (though you should NOT send the submissions for this issue to the
address there; send them only to the address(es) below).

Submissions to:

Randy Harris or Pamela Russell
Rhetoric and Professional Writing Lettres et communications
Department of English Faculte des lettres et sciences
University of Waterloo Universite de Sherbrooke
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1K 2R1
Canada Canada

519 885-1211, x5362 819 821-7839
519 884-8995 (Fax) 819 821-7238 (Fax)
raha -at- watarts -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca

********************** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 1 JUNE, 1994 **********************

Randy Allen Harris raha -at- watarts -dot- uwaterloo -dot- ca
Rhetoric and Professional Writing 519 885-1211, x5362
English, U of Waterloo FAX: 519 884-8995
Waterloo ON, CANADA, N2L 3G1

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