Re: Topic/thread for Syntax Propellerheads?

Subject: Re: Topic/thread for Syntax Propellerheads?
From: Fred M Jacobson <fred -at- BOOLE -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 14:12:13 PST


You asked about defining software statement syntax. William Horton
covered this in his Visual Literacy column in the May 1993 (Q2) issue
Technical Communications. He called the column "The Definitive Statement
on Syntax Statements," so you can assume he thinks he has the answer to
your question.

INTERNET: fred -at- boole -dot- com PHONE: (408) 526-3292 FAX: (408) 526-3055
USPS: Fred Jacobson / Boole & Babbage / 3131 Zanker Road / San Jose CA 95134

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