Archive retrieval not working (files too big)

Subject: Archive retrieval not working (files too big)
From: Ken d'Albenas <kendal -at- AUTOTROL -dot- CUC -dot- AB -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 18:18:46 MST

Has anyone sent a GET command to LISTSERV for a techwr-l file
lately? Has it worked? I'm having a problem, and I don't think
I'm alone in this.

Simply put, the archive files are too big to survive transmission.

I requested the November file today. So far, four incomplete attempts
have come smashing into our corp. mail directory, each truncated.
The first was cut off at Nov. 4. The next at Nov. 19. Then Nov. 5.
Then Nov. 16. From the look of them, the whole November file must be
about 2 megabytes in size. I have this sinking feeling that listserv
will keep on trying all night until it fills our directory - which
won't go down well with my sysadmin or upper poobahs.

And I still won't get the Nov. 29-30 postings, which is all I wanted
to review.

Eric, is it feasible to get LISTSERV to archive the mail on a weekly
basis instead of monthly? I feel sorry for people who don't have
multi-megabyte mail directories in the first place. Even if the
Internet transmits a whole file successfully, they wouldn't have room
for it.


Ken d'Albenas (not Kendal Stitzel)
Replies to: kendal -at- autotrol -dot- cuc -dot- ab -dot- ca
Flames to: anyone else

There's more than one answer to these questions,
Pointing me in a crooked line.
- Indigo Girls


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