
Subject: E-Primer
From: Marguerite Krupp <mkrupp -at- CAYMAN -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 12:28:11 EDT

Thanks, Jim, for the excellent synopsis and examples. Very helpful!

Of course, I do reserve the right to day "the food is good," referring to
the edible stuff, as opposed to the glob of unrecognizable, fungus-covered
stuff on the floor of the refrigerator. <g>

You make a valid point about using the specific word that best conveys your
meaning. I try to teach my students that very idea, and I've challenged
them to go an entire week without starting a sentence with "It is..." or
"There are..." or similar forms.

I remember studying General Semantics (Caps and all!) in college...and
applying it, much to the annoyance of my classmates. They would ask, "What
does your watch say?" and I would reply, "Tick, tick, tick!"


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