
Subject: naps/snoozin'/ZZZZZZs/whatever
From: "Craig Haggart, Accelerator Ops" <haggart -at- SSRL01 -dot- SLAC -dot- STANFORD -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 04:37:30 -0800

I don't know about research specifically aimed at napping during
day shift work hours, but there has been a lot written about
sleep (or lack thereof) in general; check the library.

A good place to start is "The Sleepwatchers" by William Dement of
the Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic. You may learn something you
don't want to know, however, and that's Dr. Dement's conclusion
that daytime sleepiness is caused by (get this!) not enough sleep.
Yep, if you want to snooze at work, it's because you are not doing
enough of it at home.

Here's a tech writing tie-in: in my opinion, Dr. Dement (who has
written a BUNCH of stuff in this field) needed one more editing
pass on this book. Just little things, but tech writers and
copyeditors know what I mean...

-Craig Haggart
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab at SLAC
Menlo Park, California
(haggart -at- slac -dot- stanford -dot- edu)

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