New Topic!

Subject: New Topic!
From: Lissa Richman Evms <RICHMAN -at- PICARD -dot- EVMS -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 13:30:31 -0400

I am interested collecting ideas for reformating an institutional manual
which is published annually in an effort to list brief information on each
"sponsored" research project.


Institution - medical school with @2,000 facutly members who participate
in research as principle investigators or co-investigators.

Book Format - cover page, intro, ect.
table of contents (each department is listed individually)

Department Format - Faculty members are listed under the department heading
and the projects that those facutly members initiated are
formatted in this way:

ARAVICH, Paul M., M.D./Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
"Title of the Very Complicated and Hardly Understood Grant that
was Funded by the NIH in the Last Fiscal Year"

Lay person description in about 5 sentences of text.

So, here is my problem: Increasingly, people are requesting the manual to be
indexed by keyword, co-investigator, and investigator!

Since we currently do not track the co-investigator's name, nor do we note
keywords with all funded projects.... I cannot rely on the database.

Any suggestions regarding this format?
More importantly, any recommendations of an indexing program that is not

Thanks for your help!

****please reply directly to me! if you are interested in the responses
that I get, I will gladly report them to you! I am asking this because
I know that I am not the only one who is overcome with 43+ messages when
returning from a meeting!!!!

Lisa Richman
Research Programs Coordinator
Eastern Virginia Medical School

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