Paper and online - tools for writing

Subject: Paper and online - tools for writing
From: Jim Snowden <writer -at- SAPPHIRE -dot- DEMON -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 23:03:04 GMT

Oops, this is question number two about the same topic .. I'm writing some
documentation that will go on-line in the form of a Windows Help file and be
printed. I've peeked at some of the tools (like HDK and Forehelp), but was
wondering if someone who'd done a similar job could give me some help on
deciding what to use.

The main thrust is to put the info on-line, so that is what should look
the nicest if compromises need to be made.

OR ... I've heard some talk about using SGML and/or HTML to create
source text for such a task. Is that a good idea?

Jim Snowden
JSnowden -at- ieinc -dot- com
writer -at- sapphire -dot- demon -dot- co -dot- uk

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