Re: doc models wanted

Subject: Re: doc models wanted
From: SOLUTIONS <solution -at- WORLD -dot- STD -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 19:09:33 -0400

I've been following the list for a while now. Generally, it's a great way
to keep busy (amused too) while eating lunch. Finally, a message I really
want to respond to!

Bonni -

We at SOLUTIONS have been using the two page modular
documentation/structured documentation (call it what you will) approach
for 10 years. We're true disciples of Ed Weiss' methods, as well as
friends and co-workers of his (though that came later). We've also been
teaching courses on this methodology for years.

I'd be happy to talk with Sue about the approach and to send/fax her
pages from lots of different types of documents that use the 2-page
spread. In a nutshell:


- Everything on a topic is immediately accessible and visible.
- You're forced to think through your book's structure early, which makes
for a better end product.
- It's really easy to index and generate a TOC!
- You'll use more graphics that you would otherwise.
- Readers get really comfortable with the structure.
- It's very easy to reorder, reorganize, or update the document.


- Not everything fits neatly into 2-page chunks. So it can be artificial.
But any method of presenting information is artificial in some way.
- You can find yourself really struggling to make information fit on
a page or two. But it makes your writing really concise, which is good.
- Your page numbers may start on the left instead of the right, which
always throws off printers and copy people. You have to give very
specific instructions.

I could go on proselytizing all day, since I'm truly one of the converted.

Paula Berger
(the people who send out those red course brochures)

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